System Description and Operating Instructions -
Page 4
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Products Module Operation

This section describes the use of the product data maintenance module
of the WES point of sale system. The Products module is used for building and maintaining
the inventory database, especially for adding new products. A similar module called
"Inventory" is provided for adding received items to the inventory and for
correcting price information. The Products module has the ability to add and delete items
and includes the ability to read catalog databases for easier addition of new items. After
supplier and store data for your store is set using the "Files" module you will
use this module to build the database of items contained in the store.
When the program is started, usually from the Windows start menu as
described for the POS module, the Product Data Maintenance window will resemble the screen
view shown below as Products Screen 1.

Data Entry Form Description
The data boxes above the dark horizontal line all relate to the UPC
number supplier and item number for the items in the store database. You can enter a
complete UPC in the UPC # block or just the last five digits if a manufacturer has
previously been selected. You can also select a supplier and if that supplier uses item
numbers instead of UPC numbers, enter the item number in the "Supplier item #"
The data boxes below the line are the data fields related to the item
whose number is above the line. The "Description" and "Size" are
simple text that will print on sales slips, shelf labels, orders, inventory, etc. The
"Unit Price" is the cost of the item in the same quantities in which you sell
them. The selling price is the selling price before discounts you wish to sell the item
for. The category is used to identify the type of item and if it is taxed or not. The
"Preferred Cust. Discount %" data box is for the entry of the percentage
discount to give to preferred customers when such discounting is on a per item basis.
Near the center of the screen are the scheduled discount data entry
boxes. With this feature you can schedule a sale for the selected item, for some future
date. Note that the sale price is needed here not a percentage discount. The dates are the
first day the item will go on sale and the last day the item will be sold at the
discounted price. The system has a wide range of discounting possibilities, see the
section "Discounts" for a complete description of these features. The
"Price Per" selector buttons allow the selection of per unit sales or sale by
weight. If sale by weight is selected the checkout clerk will be prompted to enter the
weight after scanning or entering a UPC. The weight could come from an automatic scale.
Just to the right of center are the automatic sale system data boxes. The sale price is
the actual sale price not a percentage. The first-day and last-day dates, are as they
indicate the first and last day on which customers will be charged the discounted price.
With this system you can schedule sales at convenient times in advance of the sale and the
change down and up in price will occur automatically. The "Reorder Level"
triggers the inclusion on automatically generator orders when the units in stock drop to
or below this number. The reorder quantity is number of lots, or simply the number of
items if the "Count per Lot" is set to 1, which will appear on generated orders
when the reorder level is achieved. The "Units in Stock" is the number of items
presently on hand. "On Order" is the number of items ordered but not yet
received, and "Date Ordered" is the date the items were ordered. The block
"Total Sold" is simply for statistical analysis and is the total sold since the
last reset of the statistical data. The check box "Need Label" when checked will
force the printing of a shelf label when "Labels Needed" is selected in the
Inventory module.
One of the useful features is the ability to retrieve data from
catalog information supplied by some vendors. The following sequence shows how the data
for an item is retrieved, and how the data shows the boxes on the screen. Starting from
screen 1, set the pointer to the small down arrow to the right of the supplier ID box and
click the left button. This will cause a drop down box to display all of the supplier
names from the supplier table that was built using the "Files" module. The
result is shown on the next screen view.

Entering a New Item
On Products Screen 2
you can see the supplier list has been displayed and supplier #2, "Tree of Life"
has been highlighted by moving the mouse pointer to that line. At this time the supplier
can be selected by clicking the left mouse button or by pressing the key. The result is
shown on the next screen where a new item was found by typing the item number in the
Supplier item # box and pressing the Enter key.

Entering Data for a New Item
Products Screen 3
shows the results of selecting a supplier who has a catalog on file with the system, when
a valid item number was entered in the supplier item # box. If the item is not already in
the store database a catalog search will take place automatically when a catalog is on
line for the selected supplier. The search for items both in the store database and in
catalogs will use either the UPC number or the supplier item number. The number which was
entered, either UPC or supplier item, determines which will be used in the search.
Having found the item in the catalog, the system fills in all of the
text boxes it can from the catalog information. You must now fill in the remaining items.
When the system is finished filling in the information, the category number is highlighted
because a valid category number must be selected before the item will be accepted. After
selecting a valid category number you can use the Tab key, Enter key, or the mouse pointer
to move to the next box.
The reorder level and reorder quantity should be decided at this time,
the quantity in stock can be filled in later if a new database is being built. The reorder
level is the trigger point where this item will automatically be added to an order. The
level is in units, not in case lots. The reorder quantity is case lots for the item shown,
for items bought singly the reorder quantity is by the item.
An important consideration here is that the item selling price must
always be in unit price. If you sell by the single unit then the selling price must for
one item. If you always sell a product by the six pack, or whatever, then the selling
price must be set for that quantity.
When all changes have been made to the data for an item the database
must be updated. When all of the information is entered, point to the "Add New
Item", and click the left mouse button. You can also use the Tab key to step through
the boxes and end up with the button highlighted, at which time pressing Enter will
add/update the item. The line under the "A" indicates that you can also use the
Alt + A keys to activate the update function when entering data for an item.
If you wish to end the data entry for the present item without
modification of the database press the key at any time before the update button is
activated. As noted above you can search for an item by UPC or, when the supplier uses
item numbers, the supplier item number, if neither number is known you can search the
store database by manufacturer name and item name to locate an item. This is accomplished
by clicking the "Find" menu item at the top left of the window. Note the
underline on the "F" in "Find", indicating that you can activate the
find routine by pressing the then keys. When the find routine is started you will be
presented with the manufacturer select window which will resemble the next screen view.

Searching The DB For An Item
The manufacturer select window (illustrated in Products Screen 4) has a quick search box
where you can type the first several letters of a manufacturers name to find it. To
find "After the Fall", "Af" was typed in the search box. At this point
pressing the Enter key will, after a brief search, display all of the items
listed in your database for the selected manufacturer. You can also use the mouse to
scroll through the manufacturers and left click on the desired one. The next screen view
shows a typical product display.

Products Screen 5
shows the products already in the store database for manufacturer #74416, "After the
Fall Products Inc.". You can now select one of the products using either the quick
search method or by scrolling with the mouse pointer. Searching the database in this way
is a fast method of finding one item in several thousand. The only slight disadvantage is
that you do have to know the manufacturers name to use it. The next screen shows the item
selected by the above method.

Updating & Deleting Items
Products Screen 6
shows a display of an item that was in the product database. This display is used for
checking, editing, or deleting, an item already on file. In this case the item was found
using the search method described above, but you can find items by entering or scanning in
the UPC number, or if a supplier has been selected who uses item numbers, by entering the
item number.
Note that two action buttons are available, one will delete the item
from the database, the other will update the database information for the item shown. If
you are simply verifying information, or have retrieved the wrong item simply press the
Esc key to end the edit mode with no changes to the database.
One additional function located on the menu bar at the top of the
window is the "View" menu item. Clicking on this menu item or pressing
Alt + "V" will display the next screen.

Table View Of Products
Products Screen 7
is the "View" menu item. This display appears when you click on the menu
item, or press + "V". This is a spread sheet style view of all of the items in
the store "Products" table in the master database
You can scroll both vertically and horizontally through the database
to check items. The arrows on the UPC# box at the bottom of the screen may also be used to
go the first and last items, or to step through the items.
At the time this document was prepared this screen was for viewing
only. No modification of the database can be made from this screen.
To return to the products window form, click the "Back to
Form" button or press the Alt + "B" keys.
From the main Products window you can exit the Products module by
clicking on the "Exit" menu item, by clicking on the small x in the upper right
corner of the window, by pressing the Alt + "E" keys, or by pressing the Alt +
F4 keys.
