System Description and Operating Instructions -
Page 5
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Inventory Module

This section describes the use of the inventory data maintenance
module of the WES point of sale system. The Inventory module is provided for adding
received items to the inventory, correcting price information, and recording items removed
from inventory for promotional purposes or due to spoilage. Additional functions of this
module are the printing of orders, shelf labels and the printed inventory. When the
program is started, usually from the Windows start menu as described for the POS module,
the Inventory Maintenance window will resemble the screen view shown below as Inventory
Screen 1.

Inventory Module Screen
The top section of this screen works exactly like the products module
described in the last section, except that catalog search is not available because this
module can not be used to add new products to the store database. The "Find"
function on the top menu also works exactly as described for the products module. If you
locate a product by any of the three methods available the form will be loaded with the
information for that item from the database. A typical item can be seen on Inventory
Screen 2.

Updating Inventory
Here is the display for an item in the store inventory. Because the
most frequent use of the this window is to add items to the inventory as they are
received, the system automatically moves the focus for key strokes to the text box labeled
"Quantity received" and selects the zero there. At this point you can type the
number of items received, then press the Enter key. If you do this, the "Update"
button will be enabled so that one additional press of the Enter key will update the
You will notice that the "Update" is disabled when
you enter a quantity until you press enter to force the update to the units in stock
The person entering the received items into inventory should also
check the item cost and selling prices to make sure that they are up to date. The ability
to keep your selling prices current is one of the best reasons to use a point of sale
computer system.
The two text boxes under the one for Quantity Received are for items
removed from the inventory without being sold. If you lost some of these items to spoilage
enter that number in the text box labeled Spoilage Deduct Qty and the Units in Stock will
decrease by that number. The data regarding the loss will also be added to the
Spoilage.mbd database so that you have a record of the loss. The box labeled
"Promotional Deduct" works like the spoilage except that the information is
recorded in a different database so that you have a separate record of these items.
Promotional items are those which were given away for things like benefit auctions, etc.
Generating Orders
With your reorder levels set, and an accurate running inventory on
file, automatic generation of orders can be very useful in insuring that you dont
have empty spaces on your shelves. This important task is activated by clicking on the
"Orders" item on the menu bar at the top left of the window, or by
pressing the Alt & O keys. When you do this, and after a short search
indicated by a displayed progress bar, the next window will be displayed

This window lists all of the suppliers for whom there are items having
units-in-stock below the reorder-level number. The number of items along with the
approximate cost of the order is listed. To view and perhaps print one of the orders use
the pointer to highlight the line on the list and click the left mouse button. When a
supplier has been selected for order generation, and after a short search delay a window
like the next screen view will be displayed.

This screen shows the order information essentially as it will be
printed. You can call orders off of the screen or print them on paper for marking up
manually, or for sending or faxing them to the supplier. You can also print the order to a
file where it may be edited manually, if editing is needed, for printing, or sending
directly from your computer via E-mail, or fax.
A third button on the bottom of the window marks the items as ordered
so they dont show on the order the next time the orders function is activated. It
isnt necessary to mark items as ordered as they will automatically be removed from
future orders when the quantity in stock number is adjusted when the items are received.
For suppliers who dont back order items it is probably best to not mark the items as
ordered, so that those not received in the next shipment show up on the next order.
Any of the three available functions can be executed by moving the
pointer to the desired button and click the left mouse button or use the Alt &
P or Alt & F or Alt & M keys. To close the
order window click on the small x in the upper right corner of the window, click on the
"Done" menu item or use the Alt & D key combination.
Label Printing
The next screen view shows the "Print Labels" drop
down menu which can be activated by pressing Alt & L or by left clicking
while the mouse pointer is pointing to the menu item.

The "Print Labels" drop down menu item in the above
screen view shows the print options available from the inventory module.
The "Price Labels Needed" option prints labels for
all of the items in the products database which have the "Need Label..." box
checked. This is most useful when the system has been in use for a while and all of the
labels had been printed. Then when a selling price changes, this box will be set to
checked and when the "Price Labels Needed" option is activated, the label
will be printed along with all the others which have "Need Label" checked.
The "Price Labels by Manufacturer" prints all of the
labels for a selected manufacturer. The "Price Labels by Item" prints a
label for a selected item or several sequentially selected items.
A remaining item on the Print Labels menu is the "Setup"
the setup items on this drop down are the first label location and the space between
labels. This allows you to adjust the vertical starting location of the price label
printing, and the vertical space between the labels in the smallest possible units.
The system is designed to print price labels on 1" X 2-5/8"
labels three across, thirty to a sheet. Use of the Avery Laser Label #6231 or similar is
Under the "Print" drop down menu is an
"Inventory Printout" option which prints the entire inventory for the
store. This printout is designed for inventory checking. The items are listed by
manufacturer, and a space is provided to write in the actual count. You will find that, by
spot checking, the items on the shelf when additional stock is added, that your inventory
counts will probably be quite accurate. Taking the time to print the full inventory a
month or so after this system is started may be valuable in getting your counts accurate.
You may wish to print the inventory from this module near the end of the year also so that
after the year end you can print your inventory with cost extensions and totals from the
Reports module for use in tax return preparation.

This chapter describes the numerous methods available for giving
automatic discounts within the Wise/POS system.
The automatic discount methods provided by the system are:
- Store wide special sales
- Sale on selected items automatically triggered by date settings
- Sale on all items of a manufacturer automatically triggered by
date settings
- Preferred customer discount with discount on a manufacturer basis
- Preferred customer discount with discount on an item basis Store
coupons such as those clipped from print advertisement
- Buyers club discount with discount amount based on recent
Store wide special sales:
This is probably the least frequently used discount method. To set a store wide discount
run the "Files" module of the program and select the "Store
Information" tab. The place to enter the discount in percent is near the center of
this form as seen on figure 1 below.

The discount will apply to all items in the store for as long as the
discount is set to anything other than 0. When the store wide discount is changed the main
point of sale programs must be restarted in order to have the new value take effect.
Date triggered sale on selected items:
This is a convenient feature of the program which allows you to schedule sales on items in
the store well in advance of the starting date of the sale. When the sale ends the system
will automatically return to charging the full price. The "Products" module is
used to set up a sale on a given item. Figure 2 below shows the data boxes on the products
screen where you enter the date triggered sale information for the selected item.

Note that the value to enter in the sale price window is the actual
sale price and not a percentage discount. The sale price will be in effect on all days
between and including the dates entered. For a single day sale the first and last sale
days will be the same.
Date triggered sale by manufacturer:
This is similar to the previously described sale by item. It allows you to schedule a sale
on all items by a given manufacturer in advance of the starting date of the sale. When the
sale ends the system will automatically return to charging the full price. The
"Manufacturer" module is used to set up this type of sale. Figure 3 below shows
the data boxes on the manufacturer screen where you enter the date triggered sale
information for the selected manufacturer.

Note that the value to enter, in the sale price window, is the
percentage discount to be applied to all items of the selected manufacturer. The sale
price will be in effect on all days between and including the dates entered. For a single
day sale the first and last sale days will be the same.
Customer loyalty "Buyers Club"
The buyers club, or whatever you choose to call it, is a good customer loyalty building
tool. In this system the customer is keyed to a ten-digit number which is usually the
customers home phone number. You can issue cards with the number bar coded on the card, or
simply ask the customers for their phone number on each visit. Most customers prefer not
having to carry a card, however there are some marketing experts who think the card is
important. The system automatically works either way.
To participate in the program customers must be in your customer
database. The module called "Customers" is used for customer database
maintenance. Instructions on the use of the Customers Module are included as a separate
chapter elsewhere in this manual.
Some stores enter the customer immediately so that the purchases made
that day will show on the customers record, and if the total purchases result in a
sufficient amount they may get an immediate discount. Another approach is to have the
customer fill out a small form with the needed data and then enter the data from the
office computer or at the checkout computer when a slow period occurs. Which procedure is
better for customer loyalty, or buying motivation, is open to debate but the latter
approach is favored, because if the checkout is busy it may not be wise to delay other
customers while entering data for the new customer. The latter method may also be better
for your bottom line as the purchases on the first day dont get entered into the
record and no immediate discount is possible. The customer can be told that the next time
they come in, and give their phone number to the cashier, their buying record, and
possible discounts, will begin.
Discount Handling Priorities
When adding items to the sales slip, manufacturers and store-wide
discounts are handled first by adjusting the retail price as indicated by the discount.
A special sale item overrides manufacturer and store-wide discounts.
The special sale price will be used in place of the adjusted retail price.
Manufacturers discounts, store wide discounts, special sale
price discounts, and preferred customer discounts are taken prior to totaling the sale,
and thus before sales tax is computed, because they are a reduction in the selling price
of the item.
Preferred customers and buyers club members can not use a store
discount coupon. They must make a decision to either take the coupon discount or the
overall discount not both. If they use a store discount coupon the preferred customer and
buyers club discounts will not apply.
Gift certificates are not discounted when sold. The purchase price of
the certificate is counted toward the required spending for increasing the discount
amount. The person who uses the gift certificate will get any discounts they may be
entitled to when the certificate is redeemed.
Discountable amounts are used for preferred customer and buyers club
discount calculations. Previously discounted items, are excluded from the discountable
amount totals. Types of discounts that are selectively removed are items that are on a
manufacturers discount, a store wide discount, or a special sale.
The system always tests for a greater discount for a preferred
customer who is also in the buyers club program. The largest discount will be given. A
preferred customer who is a big spender may get a discount that is larger than the set
percentage. A customer that is not a big spender will get at least the percentage set for
preferred customers. Remember also that the preferred customer discount can be set by
manufacturer or on a per item basis, so you can give a higher percentage on high markup
