System Description and Operating Instructions -
Page 6
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This program module displays financial information about the store. If
you wish to keep your data somewhat private you should remove this module from all
computers on a networked system except for the one on the office computer.
Start this program module using the same procedure as for other
modules in the system. When the Reports program starts, the file loading and processing
time takes a few seconds. When the program is running a screen similar to the following is

Data Reporting Screen
The sample database used had no sales in it so the columns are all
zero, and this is how your reports screen will appear when you test drive the system prior
to putting it into use. The low markup box indicates how many items in the data base are
priced below a markup of 25%. Unless you normally operate on a 25% markup you should check
the low markup list under the "View/Print" menu item to pick up any pricing
errors, if this box isnt zero.
You can view the totals from each day in the current month by
scrolling using the pointing device on the scroll bars at the side and bottom of the
spread sheet style display. The left most column is the day of the month. The column
labeled credit is the total of all credit or debit cards. Sales totals are added to this
column when the key is pressed after totaling a transaction. The "Taxable",
"Nontax", and "Tax" columns are the numbers needed for the state sales
tax forms. The totals to date are shown in the summary list in the upper right corner of
the window. Note that this list is longer than the box and can be scrolled using the
scroll bars provided.
If you drop down the menu box under the "View/Print" menu
option, using methods described for other modules, the next screen view will appear.
Printing Financial Summaries
This screen view shows the lists that can be viewed or printed. This
drop down menu is brought into view by left clicking the "View/Print"
menu item. You can view any of the items on the screen, except for inventory printout
which doesnt display for viewing prior to printing, and then elect to print them or
The "Print Summary" function prints the summary list
shown on the screen. The most frequent use of the summary print function for selecting a
previous month, to print the month end totals. These month end totals can be transferred
to the business accounting system, used for sales tax accounting, etc.
The spoilage and promotional item reporters display, and optionally
print, a list of the items removed from inventory during the month. The items are removed
using the functions provided for this purpose by the Inventory module of the system.
The inventory printout prints the entire inventory, including costs
and totals. This is different than the inventory print function provided by the Products
module, which is mainly for assuring the item count accuracy. The inventory print function
provided by this module can be used to print the inventory at the end of the previous
year. This is useful early in the new year when working on taxes for the previous year.
The "Product Sales Analysis" menu item displays an analysis
of sales from the last time the totals were reset. This function also allows the resetting
of the totals.
Historical sales data is maintained on a daily basis and totals are
automatically computed on a monthly basis. The inventory data is always current (not
historical) except that at the end of the year the entire products data base is preserved
and a copy is made to carry into the next year. This is done so that the year end
inventory is always available for printout. Because the programs only test for a day
change when they are started we recommend that the programs be shut down at the end of
each day. The computers can run continuously if desired. This is especially important on
the last day of the year to insure that the inventory for the year just ended is saved.
This is usually not a problem unless your store is open 24 hours per day, every day of the
It is important that the date and time be correctly set on all of the
computers in your system, to insure that the historical data is saved correctly. The date
and time is displayed on most of the screens to help make users aware of the computer time
settings. The help files provided with your operating system describes the method used to
set the computer time clock.
To obtain historical data you need to select a previous month, and
perhaps a previous year. The next screen view shows how a previous month can be selected,
by moving the mouse pointer to the small arrow next to the month, and clicking the left
button, to drop down a list of previous months available.

Viewing Previous Months' Totals
This screen view shows the drop down month selection list. You can now
select, as indicated by the highlighting, any previous month in the year and click the
mouse button, or press enter, to display the data for that month. A similar drop down
selection process is available for any previous year that the store has been in operation.
Remember that the inventory totals always reflect the current values
when viewing data for the current year and thus will not change as you view different
months. When viewing data for previous years the inventory totals will reflect the totals
at the end of the selected year.
The next screen shows how to make a modification to one of the daily
entries if an error was made.

Correcting Financial Data
On this screen, the box at the bottom near the center labeled "Allow
Update", was clicked using the mouse, to change it to checked, at which time the red
label "Updating Enabled" appears. With the red label you are warned that you can
now make changes to basic financial data. You should note the value in the box you wish to
change, and make any changes with care, because you loose any value in a box after you
type over it. After enabling the updating, the cash received on the fifth day of the month
was changed from 0 to 100 dollars by highlighting the old value using the mouse pointer
and typing in the new value.
We force you to check the box before allowing any updates to help
prevent accidental loss of data, and to insure that the update was accomplished as
desired. At the moment you check the box to allow updates the screen is refreshed from the
database to insure that the latest data is shown. Then, after you make the change, you
should click the check box again to turn off the updating. When you turn off the updating
the database is updated and the screen is refreshed from the database so you can see that
the change occurred.

Customers Database
This section describes the use of the Customer database maintenance
module of the Wise/POS system. The Customers module is
used for building and maintaining the customer database. This database is used for keeping
information about your customers for use in the discount program based on customer
spending. The same database may be used for direct mailing or other similar uses.
When the program is started, usually from the Windows start menu as
described for the POS module, the Customer Data Maintenance window will resemble the
screen view shown below as Customers Screen 1.
This module can be started while the main POS program is running at
the checkout counter to add a new customer. This is only practical during periods of low
checkout activity, so it is usually better to have the customer fill out a small form with
the needed data and then enter the data from the office computer or at the checkout
computer when a slow period occurs.

Entering Customer Data
This is the screen where most of the work will be done on the customer
database. The record shown is the one and only record in the database that ships with the
software. The labels on the various boxes indicate what you should enter in each box. You
can type your first entry over our test data. Subsequent entries can then be made using
the "Add" function, which may be invoked using the mouse, or by pressing
the Alt and A keys simultaneously. Be sure to press the Alt key first.
The "Home Phone" box is important as this is the key to
finding customers by the Point-Of-Sale module when using the buyers club discount. In the
lower left corner is a check box labeled "Preferred Customer". If this box has a
check in it the preferred customer discount box will be automatically checked if the
customer number is entered prior to or during the check out of the customer. This feature
is useful for senior citizen or other persons you give this discount. If the person spends
an amount that would give them a discount greater than the preferred customer discount,
they will automatically receive the higher discount amount. In this way your preferred
customers benefit if they are big spenders.
All of the menu items at the top of the form, except for "Exit"
which terminates the program, and about which displays copyright information, open windows
which allow you to view data, or find entries in the database. The "Table"
button opens a spreadsheet style view of the data. The "Find Name" and
"Find ID" buttons are useful in finding a customer record by name or ID
number. The "Add" button adds a new record to the file and the "Delete"
button deletes the record showing on the screen. The "Buys" button shows
the recent buys made by the customer whos record is showing. This view also allows
the modification of the buying data, in the event an error was made such as a sale
credited to the wrong customer number.
The "Update File" button forces an update of any changes
made and retrieves the record back into the entry form. It is usually not necessary to use
this button as exiting the program will update the file. This method does provide positive
indication that the changes were recorded in the database because you see the retrieved
data after the save.
